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The purpose of the project is to integrate the construction/maintenance information from multiple AZTech partners into the Regional Archived Data System (RADS) and 511 system to enhance traveler information for the arterial roadway network and disseminate it to the media and the public. Each local agency has its own systems and methods for collecting, storing and disseminating construction and maintenance event related information. Historically, there has been very limited information available through the 511 system. The media has expressed interest in this information, as it is important to verify closures and restrictions on arterial routes, especially before providing alternate route information to the public.
In the first phase of the project, MCDOT performed a survey of the local agencies' processes and systems. The survey feedback led to development and implementation of plans based on the agency's practices.
A pilot integration test was initiated in collaboration with the city of Mesa and the city of Glendale. The test, although complex, was successfully completed. The data from both agencies has been successfully integrated with RADS and 511.
The pilot served as a model of integration for seven other jurisdictions and is currently in progress.
Next steps include integrate the construction and maintenance data into RADS and 511 for the following local jurisdictions: Avondale, Chandler, Gilbert, Goodyear, Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale.